Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

Starring Craig Robinson, John Cusack, Clark Duke, and Rob Corddry 

This was one of those movies where the title alone was enough to piqué my interest. The concept is fairly simple: 4 miserable friends take a trip to a ski resort where they used to party as teenagers, only to get in a HOT TUB, which is, you guessed it, aTIME MACHINE. They travel to 1982 and face the dilemma of either reliving the past exactly as they already did, or changing it and risk affecting the future in unforseeable ways. 

One of my biggest issues with the movie was how badly it wanted to be The Hangover. You’ve got the wild one who gets all the funny lines (Corddry/Galifianakis), the giant puss who is whipped by his cheating wife/girlfriend (Robinson/Helms) and the asshole who only thinks about himself (Cusack/Cooper). Unfortunately, the 4 actors in Hot Tub don’t have what the 3 actors in Hangover had, which is what made the movie work so well:CHEMISTRY. Hangover worked because you could actually picture those guys (minus Galifianakis, since he was more or less the wild card) hanging out and dicking around, whereas the guys in Hot Tub looked bored in each others company. Maybe I’m wrong, but shouldn’t a buddy comedy have stars that actually look like buddies? 

While the movie wasn’t anything great, it did have it’s memorable performances: Chevy Chase, Lizzy Caplan, and Crispin Glover being the standouts. It’s just sad that they’re all supporting performances. 


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